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Want to make stronger connections with all your students?

Looking for a way to help all your students feel valued, cared for and wanting to invest in your class?

There’s a secret I’m going to share that can easily help you do this.

If you’re consistent with doing this, it can help you to

  • Connect with all your students.
  • Boost student engagement.
  • Limit classroom distractions.
  • Help your students feel valued.

*Want to listen to it as a podcast? Click → HERE

If you’re looking to help your students know that you are on their side, or you’re wanting to create a classroom based on relationship and trust, this tip is for you.

We’re cheering you on!

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A question for you...

What do you do to make positive connections with the students that you work with? Please tell us in the comments below and help inspire others.

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