Student Engagement: How To Boost It Across Your School

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Here’s a little secret,

👉🏼 engagement 🏋🏽 is a Key that makes learning stick.  

But it’s got to be the right kind of engagement.  

The right kind 🏋🏽 makes learning stick for everyone.  And when it’s unleashed across your school, it can help it move from good to great!

To show you how, we’ve got Mary Chiodo-Jennings, campus principal of Copperfield College on today’s show 📺.

She’s also an Unleash Learning™ Certified Teacher! 

She shares with you: 

  • What to know about student engagement – HINT: it’s not what she used to think 😳.
  • How she USES engagement 🏋🏽 to make learning stick for everyone.
  • What to look for if you’re doing classroom observations 👀.
  • Why your student’s FEET 🦶🏼🦶🏼are SUPER important.    
  • A go-to SCHOOL LEADERSHIP action that helps boost student engagement.  

Want to take your teaching or school to the next level of success? This Unleash Learning TV is a must-watch.  


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