Run professional learning? Ask yourself this question.

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“They just talk at me!”

That’s what someone recently told me when reflecting on most professional learning programs she “sits through.”

That is, the presenter’s doing most of the talking or if he/she picks on someone to speak, it might be the same few people.

People tell me this all the time!

But if you’re reading this, you’re wanting more from the work you and your team are doing.

So here’s something to ask yourself in each session you lead:

If I lost my voice and had to lead a professional learning session, what would I have to do?

Many times, those things you come up with mirror the science behind what makes learning stick for everyone.

And if you and your team do those things consistently, the people who are in your session won’t say: “They just talk at me.”

They’ll say 👉🏼 Wow…I’m doing a lot of the talking…writing, explaining and more!

And it’s sticking.  

Cheering you on!

P.S. – I’m having soooo much fun working with our latest Unleash Learning for Business cohort!  Seriously!

These folks are so interesting, reflective, courageous and so much more…And we’ve only just begun.

Want to join the next cohort? It takes place 17 Sept! 

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A question for you...

If you lost your voice and had to run your professional learning session, what would you do to ensure learning is sticking for everyone?

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