Start your lesson with this important strategy

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If you and your team are working to support consistent and effective teaching throughout your organisation, here’s a successful strategy you can all use at the start of your learning sessions.

Always Write First.

When you always write first you’re giving everyone:

  • an opportunity to lift the weights
  • time to think  
  • an opportunity to activate prior knowledge
  • a safe space to consider their own knowledge and thinking.

write first

Here’s how it works:

1. Start your session by presenting a general question that connects to the topic of the session you’ll be exploring (shown on a white board or PowerPoint).

2. Make sure the question you use is of high interest and links to your learners’ lives.

3. Provide everyone a few minutes to write their individual answers.

4. Have everyone share their responses to a person they are sitting next to.

5. Invite a few people (no more than three) to share their response to the entire group.

6. Begin the session.

Always write first is a successful strategy you can use to support consistent and effective teaching and help to unleash learning for everyone.

I’m cheering you on!

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