Here’s the #1 issue new teachers face

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Being a new teacher can be an exciting time of personal and professional growth.

But it can also be a time when you might feel like you’re being pulled in a millions direction at the same time.

With so much to do and learn, it can be hard to figure out where best to focus your time and energy.

* Want to listen to it as a podcast? Click → HERE

That’s why I want to share with you the #1 issue faced by new teachers. If you face it too, here’s what you can do about it.

If you’re not a new teacher, after watching my short video, please jump over to the comments section and add your great advice to address their #1 challenge.

Together, we can help support new teachers everywhere.


PS → Do you know a new teacher? Do you know someone who works with new teachers? Please forward this to them to support early career success!

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A question for you...

As a new teacher, what do you do to ease your stress and ensure you’re taking care of yourself? Or, if you’ve been in our profession for a while, what’s your top tip for new teachers that you think will ease their stress.

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