3 easy steps for using notes effectively

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It’s crazy that this took me years to figure out.There’s a million reasons to have students take notes in our classes.

For starters, note-taking is proven to stimulate better learning retention and improves critical thinking.

This is especially true if your class has lots of content for students to learn.


There’s a cool ‘little trick’ to student note-taking that if used consistently can:

  •  Boost student engagement
  • Increase content retention
  • Ensure all students are lifting the weights
  • And even support student motivation

Now here’s the REALLY good news… it only takes a few moments during your lesson to enact. 

In this video I’m going to share with you…

3 easy steps for using notes effectively.

*Want to listen to it as a podcast? Click HERE


This video is going to help improve student note-taking in your classes…

…and help you get your content to STICK. 

You’ll be amazed at how simple, yet effective this ‘trick’ is!

Three cheers to note taking.

PS – Once you’ve watched the video, I’ve got a question for you. Click here and join the discussion.

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A question for you...

Do your students use notes in your classrooms? What strategies do you use to ensure they use them well?  Add your answer below and help inspire others.

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