Why student resiliency matters and what you can do about it

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It can be tough to truly unleash learning for all students when some seem to give up the moment a challenge sets in.  

In fact, student motivation tops our Unleash Learning™ teacher surveys as a top teacher challenge.

That’s why I’m excited for you to meet Susie Mogg, an expert in resilience.

She’s going to share with you practical ways to support student motivation.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  1. Her GO-TO resiliency definition we think you’ll want to know about.
  2. Why resilience is not about being tough.
  3. The controversy around resiliency and Susie’s response.
  4. A simple resiliency tip you can use NOW that your students will love you for using.

Once you’ve had a chance to watch, we’d want to hear from you.

What are some of the things you or your school are doing to help support the resiliency of your students?  

Leave a comment on the blog and let us know.


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