Is teaching being replaced?

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If the move to online learning makes you (or your school) feel like your years of teaching experience is being replaced by Google Classroom, the latest App, or another piece of technology, then don’t miss this special Unleash Learning TV episode..

In it you’ll learn↓

* The MOST important thing to know if your classes are moving online.
* What to focus on that makes learning stick, even in an online environment.
* Why you’ll never be replaced by an App..

Plus, we’re giving something FREE to one of our viewers. Watch to the end for the video to find out more.

We hope this episode keeps you focused, inspired and reassured during this unprecedented time.

With deep respect,

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A question for you...

In which ways do you see your teaching as a craft? Add your comment below. We’re going to send one FREE copy of my book out to the best comment.🎉

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