Top tips for feeling safe during this COVID period with Dr Norman Swan

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Here in Sydney, we’re back in LOCKDOWN!

Our team is getting through it with humourgratitudeexercise and working to be as flexible as possible.

Because the lockdown’s taking place in so many parts of Australia…

….we wanted to send you highlights from our Unleash Learning TV interview with the ABC’s Dr. Norman Swan.

Dr. Norman Swan offers:

* His top tips for feeling safe during this COVID period
* Important information for educator, presenters, staff developers and trainers working during this COVID/post period.

Cheering you on!

Dr. William DeJean

PS – We’re here to support you and your team making learning stick for everyone during this COVID/post COVID time.  If we can help you and your team in anyway, feel free to email me or contact us here.

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How are you feeling about the Covid lockdown period and what’s one COVID tip you would like to share?

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