Wellbeing stressing you out? How to easily connect it to teaching & learning

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OMG!  One more thing to do🤯 !

In the era of overwhelm, this is what it can feel like when wellbeing initiatives come to a school, district or state.

Not because folks don’t care. But because people feel overloaded.  

But with the right system in place (The Unleash Learning System😊– schools can develop teacher and student wellbeing – in service of teaching and learning.

To share how Dr. Suzy Green is grabbing the mic and interviewing me on today’s episode. 

Dr. Green is a leader in Positive Education and Positive Psychology and my friend and colleague.  In the episode we’ll explore:

  • How schools can connect wellbeing with teaching and learning.
  • Why wellbeing is so important to effective teaching and learning.
  • How to lower teacher and student stress.
  • What leaders can do NOW. 
  • And a few tips that can help your school bring it all together.

Wellbeing’s stressing you out? This episode will show you how to easily connect it to teaching & learning.

Feel free to forward the episode to anyone supporting wellbeing.

P.S. Want to strengthen your own well-being?

Come join Dr. Suzy Green and me in Sydney for our end-of-the-year retreat. It’s ideal for you and members of your team. To learn more, CLICK HERE

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A question for you...

How does your school, district or state connect wellbeing to high quality teaching and learning?

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