Why being like Oprah can help create impact that endures

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Are you in a leadership position?

Do you want to ensure your work creates an impact that endures?

If yes, there’s an approach to take, that can create magic to happen. 

To use this approach, I’m inviting you to be like Oprah. 

That’s because too often we TELL our teams (and even our learners) what success looks like.

We might create manuals or run presentations that TELL everyone what it is. The problem is, TELLING doesn’t always make learning stick.  Or inspire change that lasts.

There’s many reasons for this.  But please consider two:

  1. Most people don’t like being TOLD what to do. 
  2. There’s a big difference between TOLD something and seeing something.  

The good news is there’s a leadership approach to take, that can inspire the best of your team and help change stick. 

That brings me to Oprah.

Oprah knew something about motivation, positive change and helping people reach their best lives.  And what she did is something you can use in all your instructional leadership activities. 

She showed rather than told.

The Oprah Winfrey Show had a very strong mission – to help people live their best life.

To inspire this outcome, she and her team took a specific approach.

On the Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah and her team brought in guests who were doing extraordinary things and had them SHOW the audience how they did it.  

Want to lose weight? Watch this person. 

Need to save money? Let’s show you how this person does it.

Oprah came to understand that when people consistently SAW what success LOOKED LIKE from others, people were inspired to create positive change.

If you take this leadership approach, it’s important to remember, this doesn’t happen overnight.

But if you’re consistent…

…it helps create an impact, that endures.

Oprah did this consistently for 25 years.

And so can you! 

Cheering you on!


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In your leadership, what are ways you show, rather than tell, to help spark positive change?

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