If you’re working to unleash learning for your students, participants, or staff, your goal is to ensure all of your learners are lifting the weights consistently throughout the session.
Yet, even with your amazing skills and talents, you might find it difficult to ensure everyone (yes everyone!) is lifting the weights consistently.
So here’s a quick tip to add to your repertoire:
Have your leaners stand in a circle. Here’s how it works:
1. Write first: Provide everyone with time to write on the ideas you want the group to discuss, summarize, consider, or think about. This might be at the start, middle, or ending of your learning session.
2. Stand in a circle: Once completed, have everyone bring their written responses and stand in a circle. The key to success is ensuring everyone is standing in a tightly formed circle.
3. Shake hands: Once in a circle, invite everyone to introduce themselves and shake hands with the person standing on each side of them.
4. Share with a partner: Invite each person to share his or her answer to the full group. Rather than go in a circle, invite people to share when they are ready. This will mean that different people will share from different locations in the circle when they are ready.
5. Use the circle, but don’t go in a circle: Invite each person to share his or her answer to the full group. Rather than go in a circle, invite people to share when they are ready. This will mean that different people will share from different locations in the circle when they are ready.
6. Put down the paper: After sharing, invite that person to put down his or her paper on the ground. Putting the paper on the ground is a great way to see who has shared, while also encouraging those still holding paper to share.
7. Close the circle: Invite everyone to shake hands and thank the person on both side of him or her. Once completed, close the learning session, or transition into the next part of the lesson.