educator engagement
Unleash Learning TVWatch ENGAGEMENT episodes here
Want to make learning stick? These science-based tips can help
Ever wondered if you lost your voice, but had to teach, what strategies would you use? Then this Unleash Learning TV episode is for you! I’m interviewing Dr. Jared Cooney Horvath he’s an expert in the field of educational neuroscience and his new book 'Stop Talking Start, Influencing' is here! He’s going to share with you why you should stop talking if you want to make learning stick and many other strategies that will bring out the best in you and your learners.
Unleash Learning TVWatch ENGAGEMENT episodes here
How to engage learners online [Part 2]
At Unleash Learning, Engagement is one of 6 keys in a proven system that makes learning stick of EVERYONE. , In part 2 of a special 2-Part Unleash Learning TV series on engagement I’m going to share: * the ONE strategy that ensures all learners are engaged. * the EXACT way to use this strategy to ensure learning STICKS for everyone. After watching this episode, we hope you’ll take action.