

I’m Glad I’m A Bad Teacher

One sure way to block success is by running away from a belief, idea, thought or feeling you have about yourself.... Read more.


Working on new curriculum? Please read this.

Is your school working on new curriculum?   Do you want that new curriculum to make a positive impact... Read more.


Why being like Oprah can help create impact that endures

Are you in a leadership position? Do you want to ensure your work creates an impact that endures?... Read more.


A secret for investing in the best in you

There’s a secret for making learning stick for everyone. And it involves a flashlight 🔦. Imagine you’re holding... Read more.


Want learning to stick for everyone? These 3 leadership lessons are a MUST.

There’s a whisper I want you to know about.  In fact, if you and your leadership team are... Read more.


Learners not liking you? Why it might be okay.

“I didn’t like you.” Yep, that’s what she told me. Year ago, while at our university’s graduation, a... Read more.


3 actions that lower your teaching team’s stress

Want to unleash your team’s teaching potential…and lower your collective stress? If yes… …then, there’s 3 actions I... Read more.


3 leadership actions to help your team stay resilient during challenging times.

Do you lead a team? Do they teach, present or run professional learning programs? If so, here’s three... Read more.


THIS can expand your team’s impact

Can we ban this word? If your teaching and learning activities are designed to spark meaningful behavioral change,... Read more.

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