Unleash Learning

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Great teaching advice from a brain scientist

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of content you have to teach? Do you sometimes struggle between wanting to engage your students and the pressure to get through the material you need to cover? If so, you are SO not alone.

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3 fantastic ways to use music in your classroom

Your phone can help you unleash learning. Yes, your phone. If you can play music on your phone, you can use it to: Prime your classroom for learning Boost student engagement  Support Positive Emotions  And so much more!

Unleash Learning TVWatch LEARNER episodes here

This might be the enemy of learning

My face turned red. The presenter was asking people to share during the workshop. Without warning, she picked me. As an educator for over 25 years, you would think that I would be okay answering questions on the spot. But I’m not.

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A cure for lack of student motivation

We know your time is precious and at Unleash Learning™ we're committed to providing you with great tips, resources and ideas that can help boost student engagement and unlock effective teaching for all students. That's why I'm thrilled for you to hear from Dr. Kerry Howells. Dr. Howells is a senior lecturer at the University of Tasmania.

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1 dead-simple way to boost student engagement

Your students' feet might just be the secret to learning. Yes, their feet. That's because movement (standing, walking, moving around the room) when intentionally planned for, can help to unleash learning.

Unleash Learning TVWatch LOCATION episodes here

Want to create a distraction free classroom? Try this

If you're looking to create a distraction-free classroom, there's a key we want to share with you.  It's a key that not only limits distraction but can also help you boost student engagement. Your students don't even need to know about it! That key is your classroom. 

Unleash Learning TV

How to be ridiculously successful as a new teacher

At Unleash Learning we believe all new teachers, with the right tools, strategies, resources and support, can thrive in our profession. 

Unleash Learning TVWatch ENGAGEMENT episodes here

One surprising way to boost student engagement

Many teachers we’ve worked with have told us this strategy have not only helped them increase engagement in their classroom, but it has changed how they see effective teaching and learning.

Unleash Learning TVWatch LOCATION episodes here

Growth mindset: easy ways to bring it into your classroom

Do your students ever tell you that they can’t do something or sometimes think they’re “not smart enough” or not “good at ______ (math’s science, English, etc.)? Finding ways to unleash learning can be challenging when students have a fixed mindset. That’s why I’m excited for you to meet Dan Haesler.

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