Unleash Learning

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Students not turning in assignments? Try this

I bet you didn’t become a teacher to chase students around who didn’t turn in an assignment? In fact, I bet you became an educator because you believe learning, when it’s unleashed, can transform a student’s life and help our world get better.

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This school-wide action can transform student learning

If you and your school are committed to teaching and learning excellence, this is a MUST watch interview.I’m going to go out on a limb and say this 7-minute interview is something you and your leadership team might want to watch together.

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These questions boost student learning

There's something you might be doing that's limiting student learning. It's a common error that we can make (I've done it!) but it can seriously undermine learning for all students. In fact, when I'm visiting classes around Australia and the US, I notice it all the time.

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These simple classroom changes = big results

A well set up classroom can help boost student engagement, limit behavior management challenges, and create the conditions that unleash learning for ALL students. But it can be tough to know what’s the most effective classroom set up. That’s why I’m thrilled for you to hear from Dr. Sonia Singh.

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This boosts student motivation

Want to help ALL your students to remain motivated for learning? If you’re reading this, I bet you do! There’s a “secret approach” to giving student feedback that can help you do just that. When used consistently, it can not only help boost student motivation and lessen student apathy, but also can strengthen learning. 

Unleash Learning TVWatch LEARNER episodes here

How to hook your students

Ever had a class that felt like you were doing all the work? Maybe students were: On their... Read more.

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3 easy ways to grab your students’ attention

Do you ever find it challenging grabbing your students’ attention? Ever turn into a teacher who raises his... Read more.

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Expert advice to support second-language learners in your classroom

“This is great for all my students!” This is a comment I hear from so many teachers who... Read more.

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How to consistently boost student collaboration success

Student collaboration is an effective way to boost student engagement and unleash learning. But it can be tough... Read more.

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